Episode 5: Equity Funding Corporation

By |September 5th, 2020|

Equity Funding Corporation of America reported strong growth for nearly a decade, culminating in a record profit in 1973. But just a few weeks later the firm imploded. It seems the company wrote insurance policies for people who didn’t even exist.

Episode 1: Homex

By |July 5th, 2020|

In 2013, Homex was the largest real estate development company in Mexico. But just one year later Homex was bankrupt, and under investigation by the SEC.

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Why am I giving all this away?!?
Because education changed my life.
I’m an award-winning university professor who came from humble beginnings.  Homeless at the age of seventeen, I dreamed of one day going to college.  I was fortunate to achieve my dream, obtaining my PhD from Washington University in St. Louis and becoming a licensed CPA.  I’m privileged to have a nice home, plenty of food, and an amazing spouse.  Thus, I’ve dedicated my life to making education more accessible and helping others achieve their dreams.

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